Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Sparganii San Leng 10g Forcefully breaks up Blood Stasis, regulates Qi, alleviates pain, dissolves accumulations and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Radix Alocasiae seu Euphorbiae Lang Du 6g Removes Phlegm, disperses accumulation, alleviates pain and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Hb. Lysimachiae Jin Qian Cao 30g Clears Heat, resolves toxicity and swelling and expels stones.
Hb. Scutellariae Barbatae Ban Zhi Lian 30g Clears Heat, resolves Fire toxins, invigorates the Blood, reduces swellings and treats various types of cancer.
Rx. Notoginseng San Qi 50g Stops bleeding, transforms Blood Stasis, invigorates the Blood, reduces swelling, alleviates pain and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Sargassum Hai Zao 30g Reduces Phlegm, softens areas of hardness and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
With Gan Cao, for goiter and scrofula.
Fol. Artemisiae Argyi Ai Ye 15g Warms the channels, stops bleeding, disperses Cold, alleviates pain, resolves Phlegm and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Venenum Bufonis Chan Su 15g Attacks toxins, reduces swellings resists cancer, stops panic and alleviates pain.
Hirudo Shui Zhi 6g Breaks up and drives out Blood Stasis, reduces fixed masses and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
With Hai Zao, for palpable, fixed masses.
Mylabris Ban Mao 0.03-0.06g Attacks toxins, erodes sores, invigorates the Blood, dispels Blood Stasis, disperses clumps and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Rz. Bistortae Quan Shen 15g Clears Heat, resolves toxicity, reduces abscesses, resolves Phlegm, disperses clumps, cools the Blood and stops bleeding.
Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui 15g Disperses deep Cold, warms the channels, unblocks the channels and vessels and alleviates pain.
Natrii Sulfas Mang Xiao 15g Purges accumulations, guides out Stagnation, softens hardness, moistens Dryness, clears Heat, drains Fire and reduces swelling.
Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi 10g Regulates and descends Qi, adjusts the Middle, relieves the diaphragm, dries Dampness and transforms Phlegm.
Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can 20g Transforms Phlegm, softens hardness, eliminates toxins, dissipates nodules and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Borneolum Bing Pian 3g Clears Heat, drains Fire, resolves toxicity, alleviates pain, dissipates nodules and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao 60g Tonifies the Spleen,d augments Qi, resolves Phlegm, clears Heat, relieves Fire toxicity and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
  • Removes obstruction of the Fu Organs
  • Normalizes the function of the Gallbladder
  • Clears Heat
  • Detoxifies
  • Invigorates the blood
  • Removes Blood
  • Softens hard masses
  • Inhibits the growth of cancer cells
  • Blood Stagnation with Toxic Heat and Phlegm
  • Stabbing pain in the epigastrium which is worse with pressure
  • Substantial or insubstantial mass beneath the Heart which is painful on palpation
  • Vomiting food mixed with Blood
  • Dry, black stools
  • Melaena
  • Dry skin
  • Local redness
  • Swelling and pain
  • Maybe fever and chills
  • T: Normal or Purple or Purple spots
  • C: Thin white or yellow
  • P: Rapid and forceful or Deep and thready or Choppy
  • Grind the above ingredients into a fine powder and make into tablets. Take 10 tablets 3 times a day.